The Roman Empire


Created by: Banny Rabindra Sulawargana

    The Roman Empire is one of the most consequential empires that ever lived in human history. with a span of more than 1000 years, their history is one of the most influential in every aspect of government, military, philosophy, and medical terms. Even to this day latin words still in use on medical terms, their military tactic and philosophy is still learned in modern day.  In a 1000 years time span, The Roman Empire was divided into 3 periods. The first is The Period Of Kings (625 - 510 BC), Second The Republican Rome (510 - 31 BC), and last The Imperial Rome (31 BC - 476 AD).


Rome was founded by twin brothers named Romulus and Remus who were also a demigod. In the story, Romulus killed his brother Remus and then named the city after himself, Roma. Roma expanded her territory by mostly war with neighbouring cities. Since Rome is too big to handle by one king, their government was changed to a republic with the senator in charge of handling the country.


The ruling class called themselves optimates (the best men) while the lower classes, or those who sympathized with them, were known as the populares (the people). In the Republic, three important men named Marcus Licinius Crassus and his political rival, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) joined with Gaius Julius Caesar, raised to form the First Triumvirate of Rome. Crassus and Pompey both held the optimate political line while Caesar was a populare. Crassus and Pompey were great generals, who made Rome bigger and wealthier than it was founded.


However, Crassus was killed in 53 BC when he led an army against Parthia and defeated at The Battle of The Carrhae. With the loss of Crassus, the First Triumvirate of Rome disbanded thus Pompey and Caesar went to war with each other. Pompey tried to trial Caesar on assorted charges. But Caesar responded to the trial by crossing the Rubicon river in 49 BC with his army. At 48 BC, Pompey and Caesar met in battle at Pharsalus in Greece. Against all odds, Caesar pulled a victory against Pompey.


Pompey fled to Egypt hoping for sanctuary, but he was assassinated upon his arrival. Hearing the news that Pompey was defeated, Gaius Julius Caesar became the most powerful man in all of Rome. Upon his arrival, he effectively disbanded the senate and proclaimed himself as a dictator. His popularity among the people was enormous and his effort to create a stable and strong central government meant increased prosperity for the city of Rome. Seeing Caesar becoming stronger day by day, Brutus (his son from his mistress Servilia) and Cassius (son in law from Servilia) planned to assassinate Caesar, with the help of the senate Caesar was killed in 44 BC.


After the dictator Caesar was killed, the Second Triumvirate of Rome rose to power with Octavian (Adopted son of Caesar), Marcus Anthony, and Lepidus. But Lepidus was neutralized by Octavian and Marcus since Lepidus was placed in charge of Africa. Octavian would rule the west while Marcus on the east.


Marcus' involvement with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII, upset the balance Octavian had hoped to maintain and the two went to war. Marcus and Cleopatra's combined forces were defeated at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and both later took their own lives. Octavian emerged as a sole power in Rome. In 27 BC, The senate gave him the title of Augustus, The First Emperor of Rome. And at this point Republican Rome collapsed and the period of Imperial Rome began.


Most of the Emperors of the Roman Empire came from dynasty with most lineage came from adoption and son. Starts from Julio - Claudian Dynasty that consists of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, And Nero. This dynasty lasted for over 95 years, from 27 BC until 68 AD, with the fall of Julio - Claudian Dynasty came 3 emperors that came from military (non - dynastic emperors) Galba, Otho, Vitellius. But they only reigned from 68 - 69 AD, which was changed by a short lived dynasty, Flavian Dynasty. The Flavian Dynasty consists of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian.


This dynasty ruled Rome for over 27 years from 69 AD to 96 AD  and over when Domitian was assassinated and his advisor Nerva took the crown and started the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty. The Nerva-Antonine Dynasty or some historian called The five good emperors.  The Nerva-Antonine Dynasty consists of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus, and Commodus. Rome was at its highest peak under Trajan rule, Rome spanning from Iberian Peninsula to modern age kuwait. But at last under Commodus rule, Rome was taking a step down from her glory days. This dynasty ruled Rome from 96 - 192 AD also the longest dynasty that Rome ever had (same as Julio - Claudian Dynasty excluding Julius Caesar). With the assassination of Commodus, Rome starts the years of 5 emperor with Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, and Severus. The dispute of the crown was won by Severus and started the Severan Dynasty.


This dynasty consisted of Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Elagabalus, and Alexander Severus. but in 217 AD when Caracalla was assassinated there was one non dynastic emperor for a year, Macrinus. The Severan dynasty is my least favorite dynasty since almost all of the emperors were corrupted, didn’t care of the people in the empire and the main reason why the Third Century Crisis happened.


With the downfall of the Severan Dynasty, a period called Crisis Of Third Century or Military Anarchy or Imperial Crisis, this is the period that makes the downfall of Rome inevitable. In just 50 years, Rome had at least 25 Emperors and most of them were generals that took advantage in the crisis. The 25 Emperors are Maximus Thrax, Gordian I, Gordian II,  Gordian III, Pupienus, Balbinus, Philip The Arab, Decius, Herennius Etruscus, Hostilian, Gallus, Volusianus, Aemilian, Valerian, Gallienius, Claudius II, Quintilius, Aurelian, Tacitus, Florian, Probus, Carus, Carinas, Numerius.


Some states broke from the Roman Empire such as the Gallic Empire led by Tacticus and The Palmyrene Empire led by Queen Zenobia. But both of them were taken care of by Aurelian, making The Roman Empire last for a few more years until The Tetrarchy led by Diocletian came. The Tetrarchy is a system that split Rome into 2 parts, Western Roman Empire with the Capital city at Rome, and Eastern Roman Empire with the Capital city at Constantinople (modern age Istanbul). The Tetrarchy consists of 7 Emperors, 5 at West and 4 at East. The emperors of the Western Roman Empire are Diocletian, Maximilian, Maxentius,  Severus, and Licinius.


While in the Eastern Roman Empire are Diocletian, Galerius, Maximinus, and Licinius. Licinius and Diocletian are the only emperors that led western and eastern empire at the same time in The Tetrarchy. But there was one emperor that led the western empire in 305 - 306 AD that was in a different dynasty, Constantius I, he was in Constantinian Dynasty. The Tetrarchy was a good plan, but it was ineffective after the death of Diocletian and thus the Constantinian Dynasty was born. With the fall of Severus, Constantine the Great was the Emperor of the East and West Roman Empire and the first Emperor that converted to Christianity. Under his rule, The capital was moved from Rome to Constantinople because Rome was a liability. The Constantinian Dynasty consists of Constantine and his son, Constantine II, Constans I, Constantius II and Julian the Apostate. Julian the Apostate was the last Emperor that still worshiped pagan and opposed Christianity.


Their reign was from 312 - 363 AD, but most of the Emperor was actually insignificant since in this dynasty only Constantine the Great was a great leader of Rome and others were just plain useless leaders. The death of Julian the Apostate was the death of pagan in the Roman Empire and conflict between two generals, Jovian and Valentinian the Great. Jovian proclaimed himself Emperor in 363 AD but he was defeated by Valentinian the Great in 364 AD and thus the Valentinian Dynasty was born. The Valentinian Dynasty consists of Valentinian the Great, Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II. Valentinian the Great, in my opinion was the funniest death of all Roman Emperor because when he was belittling the Quadi leader, he fall over because brain hemorrhage since he was too angry and stress that cloud him and then he died in front of the people that he was belittled.


The Valentinian Dynasty ruled Rome from 364 - 392 AD and 393 AD there’s new dynasty, Theodosian Dynasty. The Theodosian Dynasty consists of Theodosius I, Constantius III, Honorius, Arcadius, Valentinian III, Theodosius II, and Marcian. The Theodosian Dynasty ruled Rome from 392 - 457 AD. After Marcian there’s non dynastic emperor in the west (the last emperor of western roman empire) P. Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, L.Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos, and Romulus Augustus. There is some debate between historians whether Julius Nepos or Romulus Augustus was the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire since Romulus Augustus' reign was too short.


Meanwhile in the east, There’s new dynasty, the Leonid Dynasty. The Leonid Dynasty consists of Leo I, Basiliscus, Zeno,  Anastasius I, Leo II. Under the reign of Zeno, the western roman empire fell to the hand of barbarian. After 476 AD, The eastern roman empire changed name into Byzantine Empire. There was actually one emperor in the Byzantine Empire that retake Rome and his name is Justinian The Great.


That was the summary of the history of the Roman Empire from Founding until the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire