A classical economist’s view of evolution. (source: https://medium.com/)
Written by Agus Nugroho, Economic teacher from 34 public Senior High School in south jakarta
mankind, we were born in perfect form created by the Almighty God,
particularly, our brains. From that, we can set our brains into growth mindset
in dealing with this life. So far, with growth mindset, many of us have been
created a lot of sciences which help human’s life much easier time by time, one
of them is economics. Here we go, Lets get discussed about economy. Do you
(readers) know how economy works in this beautiful life? At first, I will tell
you (readers) the history of economy interestingly.
person not only educated person but also uneducated person has the economic principle
in them unconsciously, stated that “ a little sacrifice for a big outcome”,
given since they touched down in earth. In many long ages ago, ancestors had
started living economically. For instance, time by time, population of mankind has
been increased rapidly,then,imbalance appears between human needs and scarce
resources, eventually, awakening economic problem named scarcity. Therefore, for
sustainable life, the barter system had been practiced (in 6000 B.C)
by our ancestors as the way to meet the
needs effectively,. How the barter system worked refers to the economic
activity of between one person and another who swapped their own goods over
each other based on their needs respectively.
barter system did not work well anymore, they begun developing economic system
more sophisticated than before by discovering the money as an exchange tool up
to now. Becoming an most important tool of economy, money has the value for society
to sustain life. In order to create prosperity, society has to work hardly.
I would like to tell about development of economic theory. Schumpeter, one of
popular economists, had been improved old economy theory into modern economy theory
called “Theory of Economic Development (1883-1950)”. Why I choose
schumpeter’s economic theory as one of content
parts in my writing because I think it is suitable for nowadays situation. To
implement Schumpeter’s modern economic theory, people have to manage their
manners on utilizing scarce resources wisely. With this theory, we can release
economic principle in us properly to reach the wellbeing.
you know how to make this theory happen? let’s peel it off. From that theory,
Schumpeter wanted us to raise entrepreneurship skills for producing many fresh
innovations in regards to build healthful economic sustainability. Fresh
innovation is expected to produce modern technology which is going to manage
our productivities in fulfilling our needs. I am literally happy when discussing
about how the nowadays technology development works for economic stability.
instance, to cope with scarcity in manufacture company life, using modern
technology is the good manner to cut down on a lot of meaningless waste of input
(resources) producing meaningful output. From understanding this theory,
manufacture company be able to push the decrease on production cost gaining a
big profit. Besides, that action will decrease pollution, so, the life of this
planet will be safe
another instance related to the implementation of Schumpeter’s modern economic
theory, I would like to take economic activity from individual. In economic
action, each individual prefers buying goods at rock-bottom prices to at
rock-top prices on the same goods quality so that they always do negotiation in
every transaction. To help us look for the best goods at rock-bottom prices, at
this moment we can use modern technology such fresh devices as smartphone and
laptop connected to internet server. By using those modern devices, our economic
activities become much easier than before. On those devices, there are many
online shop applications as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Lazada.
offer interesting merchandises at a lot of price levels so that You (readers)
and I be able to buy many kinds of good with competitive prices and more
interestingly the merchandises delivered to us at home. Besides online shop, conventional
shop is also an enjoyable market for us to buy some stuff in which we can have
a look for real. Actually, both conventional shop and online shop have their
own lacks, so it is all depend on us in finding out the shop which providing
affordable goods for us.
having economic principle does not mean we only have to focus on how smart we
are on negotiation for goods even if it is on discount but also using economic
principle for controling our unstoppable shopping desire. To keep being safe
for a rainy day, we must have priority scale to figure out our needs for real
and start saving while investing to make much more money. For that, as natural economist,
we must be capable of taking advantage of our economic instinct for being smart
in economizing. From this illustration, we can sum up that economic principle
inside us, actually, comes out directly when we are in economic activity.
I want to tell you (readers) about how to build sustainability of economy. This
topic is not much being talked up to now. Do you know what? In fact, economy is
not only talking about money but also talking about future. If you study
economy more deeply, you will figure out how care economy toward the world.
Lets’ get started. Sustainability is one of important parts of economics which must be studied by everyone.
It explain about how to maintain natural resources in economic activity, if
not, our environment damaged. You (readers) can imagine what happen to this
life if degradation of environment condition appears. Obviously, all creatures
live in this world going to be extinct soon. To save our future, incredible
weapon can be used to face this unpredictable economic situation is triple
bottom lines containing 3 principles: profit. people, and planet.
figure out one by one. 1) Profit, mostly people like earning profit in
particular from their efforts. To earn a lot of profit, we need to enlarge our
efforts and never give up on anything. To be always motivated for making a big
profit, do not forget to care of ourselves to stay healthy. 2) People, it means
we have to care others as well. For instance, if you have a business, better
you recruit people around you as your employees. In case of this, you can raise
their incomes to bring prosperity into reality. 3) Planet, it means we need to
prevent the damaging environment during economy activity goes. For instance, if
you work as a painter, never waste the rubbish from your painting material at
wrong places because it will harm environment. So, we are obligated to run the
sustainable economic activity to manifest the best life.
the conclution of this writing is to make us realize that we were born as
economists who can use our skills to manage our economic stability by designing
the right priority scale. Besides that, taking care others and environment is
the best way to keep long term of economic lifetime on.
It is enough for this writing. So, Are you (readers) interested in discussing this topic more? And then practicing it in real life? Remember that You and I are Economists. Bye and see again.